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Vera Okta viana Dewi
Horizontal integration
It is when a company expands its business into different products that are similar to current lines.
Merging with another firm just like yours, for example, two biscuit makers becoming one. Contrast with vertical integration, which is merging with a firm at a different stage in thesupply chain. Horizontal integration often raises antitrust concerns, as the combined firm will have a larger market share than either firm did before merging.
What does horizontal integration raise?
B.Antitrust concerns
D. Supplies
B. Antitrust concerns
If companies do vertical integration by controlling companies controlling the distribution process in this case retail and wholesale company , the profits of course the company will be able to clearly control the extent to which the distribution process , the company can " reduce " the cost of shipping as well as a distributor and retailer -owned company ( part of the company ) .
But in doing vertical integration , there are several obstacles facing the company in increasing market share , an example of the constraints faced by the company is as follows :
Indomaret is one company that has a vertical constraints in the distribution of its products , Indomaret only available in Java , for areas outside the island of Java , Indomaret not market their products , this means not seeing expected business opportunities outside of Java .
Constraints faced mini Indomaret is demand is lower than outside Java island of Java itself . So that distributors have difficulty in expanding the company .
If the company does integration horizontalm where companies from controlling or working with other companies in the same industry , of course advantage for the company is the market share is increasing, the control and use of the technology " more efficient " , complementarities between the two companies , both of the service , product performance to process pendistribusianya and greater bargaining power in the face of competition in the industry tersbeut .
Examples of companies that have a horizontal constraint is as follows :
One company that is horizontally constrained in dividing the company's television stations broadcast time when there are two television stations that broadcast a similar event . For example, the World Cup held in South Africa some time ago , RCTI ( Rajawali Citra Televisi ) and SCTV ( Surya Citra Televisi ) is two television stations that broadcast football matches that have a number of viewers can simply much , so it will be able to take advantage many of the spectators who use the station to watch the game .
To take advantage , RCTI and SCTV cooperate in determining airtime schedule , the schedule is determined based on exact time eg 8 to 10 pm , in the span of penonoton amount will be more than broadcasting schedule at such late hours of 12 to 3 am , on this quantity typically span of the audience will be reduced . Then the crucial moment of the match , the teams were less pertandinan memilili fans like Nigeria and Chile , the game as it will reduce the interest of the audience to watch pertandinngan it , the audience will be looking for a television station that broadcast the game more interesting , for example Germany and the UK that has a lot of fans .
Setting schedule broadcast time then this is an obstacle for both stations broadcast the matches in the world cup . To divide the profits equally , the two stations made an agreement that assessed mutual benefit between the two parties .
But of course , the above is highly dependent on the financial condition of the company , the internal condition of the company in general , from A capacity plant , the employees , to the technology used , the choice of whether to perform the integration of the above either vertically or horizontally will depend on the internal conditions ( especially financially ) . If perusahana that keungannya condition is insufficient to make the full acquisition of the company can take steps joint venture or merger , with diverse consequences and benefits of any variety .
Strategic Product Development ( Product Development Strategy )
Is run strategy to increase sales by improving or modifying existing products . This strategy means running involves research and development expenses are huge . Guidelines that must be executed in order to effective product development strategy are :
- The product is in the maturity stage of the product life cycle .
- Industry characterized by rapid technological development .
- Competitors offer better quality products at competitive prices .
- Competition is keen in the fast-growing industry .
- Strong ability in the field of research and development .
Examples of product development ( Product Development Strategy ) :
- PT . Unilever Indonesia Pepsodent develop products with multiple variants .
- PT . TELKOM has made the development of services , from services to the PSTN until Narrowband ISDN services and Intelligent Networks
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